The best protection for your company

Compliance and crime prevention

The best protection for your organization

We have a specific Compliance Department

The firm has its own Department dedicated exclusively to Compliance and Preventive Criminal Law at the corporate level, which provides comprehensive advice to companies on the design and implementation of Compliance Systems, Data Protection, and prevention of Money Laundering, among others.
The Department has extensive experience in Compliance and a philosophy of personalised work for each organisation. All projects are completely tailor-made, taking into account the specific needs and objectives of each client.
In order to carry out Compliance projects, different regulations that may affect the organisation are taken into account, thus providing greater legal coverage. Likewise, the services provided are integrated into the framework established by international standards and other soft law of great incidence in Compliance matters, both nationally and internationally, as well as in accordance with the most relevant jurisprudence of the moment.


  • Design of a Compliance System.
  • Data Protection and Privacy.
  • Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
  • Anti-Fraud Measures Plan (AMP).
  • Implementation and development of the Compliance System.
  • Review and update of Compliance already designed.
  • Ongoing advice and support to the Compliance body / Compliance Officer.
  • Preparation and accompaniment in the UNE 19601, ISO 37301 and/or ISO 37001 certification process.
  • Design of a Compliance Management System project (criminal, labour, TAX, environmental, money laundering, etc.).
  • Design of offshore compliance projects.
  • Legal reports on criminal risk analysis.
  • Design and implementation of protocols, policies and controls.
  • Specific compliance reports at the client’s request (transparency, gift policies, incentives, conflicts of interest, etc.).
  • Legal notes / criminal liability analysis.
  • Implementation of the whistleblowing channel / ethical channel.
  • Advice on the management of the whistleblowing channel / ethical channel.
  • External management of the whistleblowing channel / ethics channel.
  • Advice on internal investigations.
  • Compliance audit reports.
  • Training and/or design of training plans for the entire organisation, management body, executives, employees and/or Compliance body / Compliance Officer.
  • External members of the Compliance body.
  • Compliance expertise.
  • Integration of a Competence Programme into the Compliance System.
  • Play & Comply: exclusive mobile app for gamification in Compliance.
  • Development of customised training videos.

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Compliance Team

Our team is composed of lawyers specialized in Compliance and consultants with a long and renowned academic career.

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